Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hubert detects La Primavera

Hubert ventured outside yesterday on a day which may have made him think of Spring. He went to his old pooping grounds and then went back inside. I was at his side the whole time. I mentioned before that I thought he was blind. The Jury's still out. There are signs that point to blindness and signs that point to just poor eyesight. If he's blind, he sure has the map of his surroundings etched in brain. He goes from point A to B with no tripping or bumping into things but if he senses an obstacle in his way, he gets real close to it before stopping. That might show that he's nearsighted but who knows, it might just be from his very deeply-set eyes or from the reddish eye gook (sorry) that accumulates and which he delights in eating (double sorry).

I've gotten him used to a peanut butter treat at midday. I mix it with raisins and feed small globs to him with a spoon. I love plastering it on his palate. He gets back at me by wiping his snout on my pants when it's dirty. He's got some freakin nerve, this character.

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